Máté Vincze


my website for contact info

About me

I study electrical engineering and computer science at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), so I have some experience in IT - mostly HTML, Python, C/C++, Excel, Word, Photoshop, GNU/Linux systems, Raspberry Pi (and Pico), etc. I like writing bash scripts and automation. I can use Premiere Pro and oscilloscopes, I also have a little knowlegde about FPGAs and Verilog.

About this page

Some of my social accounts have links to this page. A few contact info is found here. Please contact me if you need my CV.

The profile picture I use on most platforms.





"Let me show you the world in my eyes"
Martin Gore

Máté Vincze

aka matefon, Vinke

Bash & Python scripting at Fiverr

Created by matefon (2024)

Support me on PayPal

© All rights reserved.

Last modified: 2024. 07. 09.

I have cool email addresses on this domain too.
All of them, to be accurate.